Vortex Guide
Discord: https://discord.gg/NnZ73Y6BWC
The Grand Exchange:
Many various items for low-level skilling are sold in unlimited quantities. These items will instantly buy for +5% of the G.E. Price.
When posting a GE Offer After selecting an item, the GE will show the best price of the opposing offers for that item. If it says none, then no one else has an offer for that item and you don’t need to actually place the offer to tell. Within the #ge-bot discord channel, a bot will automatically send messages of who’s placing buy or sell offers for items.
Ironman modes:
Both Ironman and Hardcore Ironman modes are avalible on Vortex. Ironman is as expected, no trading, ge, or custom shops, with the exception of some shops in the bookshelf and a secret ironman shop in prifddinas. Hardcore Ironmen also only lose their hardcore status if they die in pvp. Mr. Ex in Edgeville sells a Jar of Divine Light that can be used to downgrade to regular ironman, as well as Divine Coins that grant extra lives.
Ironman tips:
● Herblore is much easier than it seems, mostly due to how much xp supreme overload salves give, especially with portables. You can start with the lower level prerequisites such as super attacks, and train herb making the various potions you’ll later combine into salves.
● Overloads can be difficult to make on ironman due to secondaries like grenwall spikes, and therefore it is often much easier to kill Dark Lord for its 3 dose overload drops, among many other useful drops.
● Noted vials of water can be bought from the shop in the Lighthouse. That shop also sells some ales, which can boost herblore, smithing, and magic. Some herblore secondaries can also be bought from Jatix near Taverley bank.
● If you ever need portables and don’t have your own, other players with the perk may drop them for you. Ironmen can use portables dropped by other players.
● Farming is best done as soon as possible, mainly herb runs to get herbs for herblore. Seeds drop from most slayer enemies, and you get many seeds from afking gwd and rorari. In particular you should start farming morchella mushrooms early, as there are only two patches and they take longer to grow than herbs. Fellstalk and morchella mushroom seeds only drop from ganodermic beasts.
● Cutting mahogany trees for woodcutting if you can’t use the donor tree is great for also gathering materials for construction.
● Make sure to do wicked hood dailies as that pure essence can be useful for training runecrafting if you have bank perk.
● It can be useful to wait until you have prif to do 70-99 prayer.
● While butterflies are normally used for annoying/slow skills like hunter and divination, putting butterflies into low level summoning is nice to avoid having to gather odd secondaries.
● Item grabber perk will work with items generated by using summoning scrolls, useful for gathering herblore secondaries.
● Broad arrows are still best for fletching xp, just make headless arrows yourself. Higher level logs will yield more shafts, and the general store in the bookshelf stocks 100k feathers.
● The Zamorak Mage who sells the demon statuette also stocks most runes in large amounts. A notable exception is body runes, which you can only buy 100 of at a time from the Port Sarim magic shop.
● Cannonballs are very useful as a cannon can draw agro and allow you to afk many enemies, and as such training smithing with cannonballs is worthwhile if slow.
The bookshelves at home offer teleports to most locations. Slayer masters and Bob are in the main bookshelf interface, while the rest are in the right click teleports menu.
● Guthix butterflies around home may be caught up to a limit of 20 daily, or more depending on your donor rank. They give scaling xp in your lowest skill, and can add up to 1m+ xp a day on expert. They are also affected by dxp and will consume bonus xp. You can effectively “focus” butterfly xp by ensuring a certain skill is always your lowest.
● The Daily Reward option in the bookshelves gives SoF rewards, mostly stars and lamps, but also silverhawks. You can use stars and lamps on Saradomin at home to make them work on any skill at the cost of downgrading them one tier.
● The wicked hood allows you to claim 1650-1800 noted pure essence daily. Pure essence is also on the ge, so this is particularly useful for ironmen.
● The Dwarven Instinct aura available from the legendary aura shop allows you to earn up to 7 chests with a 24-hour cd. You get one chest upon activating the aura, so even if you don’t want to skill for them you can get one a day.
● Bork is a boss available under bossing teleports in the bookshelf. It’s a very easy low-level boss that can be fought daily for guaranteed charms and uncut gems.
● If you have the Scroll Professional perk, you can claim one elite clue reward daily from the npc northeast of home.
● Under Actionbar Options in the bookshelves, you can set up revolution to use thresholds and ultimates, which is recommended. You can also set up presets, which automatically swap actionbars based on what style of weapon you have equipped, including shields.
● The strength skillcape perk is a big bonus to melee dps and should be used over or with other capes.
● Weapon poison++ (4) vials are available on the ge or in the secret ironman shop. Very few enemies are poison immune, so weapon poison is useful in every combat situation for a not insignificant amount of extra damage.
● Blisterwood weapons may be fletched with 70 fletching with logs cut with 76 woodcutting. They are essentially free t70 weapons, and the blisterwood polearm is a halberd, offering aoe damage exceeding that of chaotics.
● Pvp armour is however better than nex armor despite only being t78. While it does still degrade to dust without the Charge Befriender perk, it can be repaired before then with coins, making it quite viable to use. Revs are also much easier than nex, so pvp armour is not difficult to obtain.
● T90 armour is similar to pvp armour in that while it can still degrade to dust without the Charge Befriender perk, it can be repaired before then with coins, making it worth the investment to obtain.
● As a general rule, chaotic weapons and warpriest armor is enough to take on any boss ingame.
● Supreme overload salves are very powerful and if portables are used, actually far cheaper than regular overloads. Replenishment potions are also cheaper than adrenaline potions, and make your ultimate rotations much more powerful, allowing multiple thresholds per ultimate.
● In general, bosses are rs3 accurate, and thus rswiki boss guides can and should be used. The custom boss, Dark Lord, has a video guide on the Vortex website.
● The slayer helmet and its upgrades offer powerful bonuses that can apply to some bosses, where it is very powerful.
● You can buy a full crate from the combat tutor. Click to spend 100k to place a dummy for 5 min. This is very useful for building and stalling adrenaline during bosses.
● You can buy an Asylum Surgeon’s Ring from the combat tutor after completing all non-boss specific pvm feats.
● Feel free to ask ingame about pvm, there are many members who would be happy to help you learn bosses.
● The bookshelves have a previous action option that allows you to quickly repeat actions, which can be very useful.
● The bank is fully functional, including equipping from the bank, the equipment interface, tabs, and presets.
● You can get a grim gem from death for free, via the death portal northwest of home. The grim gem offers all the functionality of talking to death normally.
● You can use a grim gem or talk to death to configure your lootbeams.
● It can be good to get a reaper task every day, as besides counting toward your daily limit, resetting your task is free.
● You can pay 200k to be teleported directly to your task at any slayer master.
● You can pay 250k to skip a slayer task without losing points.
● Events happen once an hour, and the gwd1 events teleport you directly to the boss, skipping killcount and offer 2x droprate during the event. You are not kicked out at the end of the event, so you can use it to skip kc then stay for as long as you want.
● The vote shop sells strange tokens, a consumable item that allows you to skip gwd1 killcount.
● The demon statuette is an item sold by the zamorak mage northeast of edgeville in low level wilderness. While in the wilderness, it offers many benefits, at the cost of being skulled and not being able to use teleports except obelisks. See the wiki for a full list of the effects.
● The top 5 voters every month receive store credit.
● Skillcape perks work, and some can be quite useful. They can also be put into comp, max, or any of the 4 expert capes. See the discord for a full list of their effects.
● The Enhanced Ancient Staff is made by taking an ancient staff and 2000 blood runes to Elbis near the Bandit Camp lodestone. It’s a t50 staff with t75 accuracy.
● Most enemies with higher combat levels have an uncommon drop of a fairly large amount of coins, so the coin collector from dungeoneering which does not degrade is worth keeping around, as those coins drops can add up to hundreds of mills.
● Portables offer massive bonuses for their skills, generally offering 25% more xp and 1.5x the outputs from that skill, which can be very useful for say herblore. Portables can be purchased from the vote shop or by using the Portables Expert perk, which allows you to place unlimited portables.
● Dungeoneering scrolls are fully functional and offer very useful permanent perks for not very many tokens.
● Donor ranks are separate from your total amount donated, and so must be purchased separately.
● Perks are often the most beneficial purchases, vs mystery boxes and higher donor levels. At least regular donor is useful for the donor exclusive skilling locations however.
● The Aura Doubler perk doubles aura timers but actually gives most auras no cooldown. This is very powerful both for pvm with the Vampirism aura and skilling with the Wisdom aura, giving both unlimited up-time.
● The Charm Grabber and Coin Grabber perks can be mostly replicated with the ingame items the charming imp and coin collector from dungeoneering respectively. The perks however send charms to your bank instead of your inventory and don’t require carrying those items around.
● Portables are very powerful, and the Portables Expert perk allows you to place as many as you want.
● Donation coins can be used to upgrade your donor status for less than buying a higher rank directly.
● The Item Grabber perk is great for afking combat since you don’t need to worry about picking up drops.
● Ava’s Magic when combined with a normal avas item grants unlimited ammo.
● Selling donations for ingame items/currency is allowed but not enforced, so make sure you trust whoever you are selling to.
Double Experience Weekends:
Weekends have double exp enabled. During the weekday, if 50m collectively is put into the Well of Goodwill upstairs at home, it will enable dxp for 2 hours. These effects do not stack. You can use the ;; checkwell command to see the current dxp status.
Combat skills (Attack, Strength, Defense, Ranged, Magic, Constitution):
As a general guideline: 1 to 50 - Cows. High hp, drops may be useful early on.
50 to 70 - Dwarf Battlefield. Enemies here are aggressive and tend to clump up, good for afking and aoe damage. You can prioritize chaos dwarf hand cannoneers for their dragon pickaxe drop if you would like, but any enemy will do.
70 to 99 - Godwars Dungeon normal enemies. Many aggressive enemies close together, excellent for aoe damage and can be afked indefinitely with bonecrusher and demon horn necklace. This is also the best way to get charms, seeds, as well as get warpriest armor, which is sufficient for any boss. Zamorak warpriest is generally best due to its set effect and zamorak enemies being easier to kill than Saradomin enemies, whose warpriest has the same set effect.
In general, you want to prioritize aoe damage abilities, such as hurricane, quake, meteor strike, cleave, bombardment, incendiary shot, ricochet, chain, and tsunami. Halberd type weapons with their greater reach have vastly superior aoe damage capabilities, to the point that a t70 blisterwood polearm that is a halberd is better aoe damage than a t80 chaotic. Chinchompas and barrage spells can be used for somewhat better aoe damage here at greater cost in ammo/runes.
When in doubt use ;;rswiki <Search Parameters> This exists now.
1 to 35 - Gnome course.
35 to 52 - Barbarian course.
52 to 99 - Wildy course with demon statuette. This is the best xp ingame by far.
1 to 15 - Chairs or portable sawmill with normal logs.
15 to 30 - Oak tables or portable sawmill with oak logs.
30 to 45 - Oak tables or portable sawmill with teak logs.
45 to 52 - Teak tables or portable sawmill with mahogany logs.
52 to 99 - Mahogany tables.
All planks, teak logs, and steel nails are on ge.
Just cook what you get while fishing.
1 to 75 - Molten glass which is on the ge, or gems.
75 to 99 - Harps are very good afk and provide harmonic dust, or you can keep doing glass to 99. Making crystal flasks for herblore also gives a good bit of xp.
Follow the same progression as you normally would, see rswiki for details. Cache is available every hour, and gives up to 1.4m bonus xp per day.
Floors 1 to 35 - It’s generally best to rush these floors with complexity 1, as they don’t offer much xp and it’s better to get the prestige for later floors done quickly.
Floors 36 to 60 - From f36 onwards, do complexity 6 runs with the largest dungeon you can. Make use of gatestones, as they can drastically reduce the time it takes to get back to key doors or other important locations. Once you reach the highest floor you have unlocked, use the reset option to reset your progress in order to keep getting prestige xp. It’s possible to get 2-2.5m xp per floor on expert only taking about 15 min per floor once you get used to it.
Tree runs are particularly good for xp, offering up to 3m xp per tree run on expert. While only up to maple seeds are unlimited on the ge, magic seeds are often sold by players. Additionally, palm trees give more xp than yews and are unlimited on the ge. Lunar spells combined with teletabs can make getting to the patches much easier.
Use the highest-level log you can. Prif has a bonfire that never runs out that is ideal for training firemaking.
1 to 40 - Shrimp/anchovies.
40 to 62 - Lobsters.
62 to 76 - Monkfish.
76 to 85 - Sharks.
85 to 90 - Cavefish.
90 to 99 - Rocktails.
Most spots except lrc ones are available at the fishing guild. There are also donor cavefish and rocktail spots north of home.
1 to 52 - Misc bows with low level logs.
52 to 99 - Broad arrows. Buy arrowheads from slayer masters, and headless arrows from the ge, or make them if you are an ironman.
Most herblore ingredients are on the ge, including grimy herbs, clean herbs, and secondaries. The portable well is particularly powerful and can both save you a lot of gp and give a lot of bonus xp. You can work toward supreme overload salves and replenishment potions starting at quite a low level, as their prerequisites such as super attacks require a much lower level.
1 to 19 - Crimson swifts.
19 to 43 - Tropical wagtail.
43 to 53 - Falconry.
53 to 63 - Chinchompas.
63 to 77 - Red chinchompas.
77 to 99 - Grenwalls.
Use the same progression as rs to 81. At this point you can switch to crystal sandstone as you will want of crystal flasks for herblore. Alternatively, if you have it, you can do the donor rock to 99. If not, concentrated ores in lrc are good experience.
1 to 70/99 - Use whatever bones you can get, dragon bones and frost dragon bones being preferable. Queen Black Dragon can be a good source of dragon bones, especially for ironmen. The chaos altar in 13 wilderness acts as a gilded altar, or you can use a gilded altar in someone’s house. The chaos altar has an npc near it that will un-note bones for a small fee, and if you use the chaos altar with a demon statuette in your inventory, you have a chance to not consume bones.
70 to 99 - Prifddinas cleansing crystal. The cleansing crystal is by far the fastest and cheapest way to level prayer, but does require Prifddinas access. You buy cleansing stones from the monk near the crystal, and consume them to cleanse the crystal for xp. You can spam click stones for faster xp, or channel them for more xp per stone.
1 to 77 - Runespan, working your way up.
77 to 99 - Runespan, there is an island with two soul esswraiths, or blood runes with bank perk.
By far the best xp tasks are dagganoths and kalphites, as you can kill dagganoth kings and kalphite king respectively. Dks can give ~50k xp per kill and kk ~300k xp per kill on expert. Kuradel is the best master for getting those tasks.
Steel through rune bars are available on the ge, so make the highest level platebody you can to 99.
The best way to get charms is to afk gwd dungeon monsters with a halberd and an aoe dps revolution bar. You can also kill Bork daily for some guaranteed charms and uncut gems. The charming imp is highly recommended as soon as you can get it in as it auto loots charms.
1 to 89 - The highest-level pouch you can make with gold/green/crimson charms. Consult rswiki for a full list. Ironmen may find it useful to use guthix butterflies for some of the lower levels to avoid having to collect secondaries.
76 - You can spend all your gold charms on arctic bears now, there is no higher-level gold charm pouch you can make.
88 - You can spend all your green charms on unicorn stallions now, there is no higher-level green charm pouch you can make.
89 - You can spend all your blue charms on geyser titans now, there is no higher-level blue charm pouch you can make. It is recommended to save your blue charms until this point to maximize their xp, if you got here with gold/green/crimson charms you probably have enough blues to get 99.
Ironmen may want to make a lot of fruit bats and spirit spiders, as their scrolls are used to gather secondaries for adrenaline potions and super restores, both important potions used to make replenishment potions. For xp, rune bars are generally the best secondary for blue charms, yielding slightly less xp than water talismans but are much easier to get, whether smelting them yourself or as a drop from bosses, especially Dark Lord.
1 to 80 - Ornate chest at home, or donor ornate chest at home.
80 to 90 - Heroes in Ardougne or continue with chests at home. The chests at home are bad xp but give much more gp/items.
90 to 99 - Traders in Keldagrim or continue with chests at home. Traders are the best xp by far.
You will want to follow the guide to rank up, but if you do not have access to the donor tree, mahogany is a good balance for best xp rates.
Its like you read my mind! You seem to know so much about this, like you wrote the book in it or something. I think that you could do with some pics to drive the message home a bit, but other than that, this is great blog... iptv