NOTE: these prices are only a base of what it should be as a start of this young eco and subject to change.
Chestplate 5-10m
Chainskirt 5-10m
Helmet 1.5m-3m
Boots/gloves 1-2m
Godsword 5-7m
Chestplate 5-10m
Tassets 5-10m
Helmet 1.5-3m
Boots/gloves 1-2m
Godsword 5-7m
Robetop 5-10m
Robebottom 5-10m
Hood 1.5-3m
Boots/gloves 1-2m
Godsword 5-7m
Zamorakian spear 2.5-4m
Darklight N/A
Saradomin sword 2-5m
Saradomins wisper 1-3m
Saradomins murmur 1-3m
Saradomins hiss 1-3m
Armadyl crossbow 2.5-7m
Off-hand crossbow 2.5-7m
Godsword 5-7m
Saradomin wine 50-60k
Torva platebody 20-30m
Torva platelegs 20-30m
Torva fullhelm 15-25m
Torva gloves 10-15m
Torva boots 10-15m
Pernix leatherbody 20-30m
Pernix chaps 20-30m
Pernix gloves 10-15m
Pernix cowl 15-25m
Pernix boots 10-15m
Zaryte bow 15-25m
Virtus robetop 20-30m
Virtus robebottom 20-30m
Virtus hood 15-25m
Virtus gloves 10-15m
Virtus Boots 10-15m
Virtus wand 10-20m
Virtus book 10-20m
Kalphite King:
Drygore longsword 40-60m
Off-hand longsword 40-60m
Drygore rapier 40-50m
Off-hand rapier 40-50m
Drygore mace 40-50m
Off-hand mace 40-50m
Corporeal beast:
Divine sigil 30-40m
Spectral sigil 20-30m
Elysian sigil 30-40m
Arcane sigil 20-30m
Holy elixir 10-15m
Spirit shield 10-15m
Blessed spirit shield 20-30m
Spider leg middle 100-150m
Spider leg top 100-150m
Spider leg bottom 100-150m
Araxxis web 50-70m
Araxxis fang 50-70m
Araxxis eye 50-70m
Daganoth Kings:
Dragon axe 15m
Berserker ring 15m
Archer ring 15m
Seers ring 15m
Tormented demons:
Dragon limbs 15-20m
Glaiven boots 30-35m
Steadfast boots 30-35m
Ragefire boots 30-35m
Staff of armadyl 50-65m
King black dragon/queen black dragon:
Draconic visage 7-10m
Dark Lord:
Ancient bones
Superior tetsu helm 35-55m
Superior tetsu chestplate 45-55m
Superior tetsu platelegs 45-55m
Superior seasinger robetop 45-55m
Superior seasinger robebottom 45-55m
Superior seasinger hood 35-45m
Superior death lotus coif 35-45m
Superior death lotus body 45-55m
Superior death lotus chaps 45-55m
Hydrix 500-600m
Onyx 2-3m
Sirenic/rare drop table:
Keystone primus 1-2m
Keystone secundus 1-2m
Keystone tertius 1-2m
Keystone quartus 1-2m
Keystone quintus 1-2m
Keystone sextus 1-2m
Sirenic scale 2-5m
Ascencion crossbow 150-200m
Off-hand crossbow 150-200m
Sirenic mask 100-120m
Sirenic hauberk 150-200m
Sirenic chaps 120-150m
Ascencion gloves 3-5m
Razorback gloves 3-5m
Celestial handwraps 5-7m
Crystal key 500k-1m
Dragon pickaxe 5-10m
Tectonic energy 2-5m
Seismic wand 175-225m
Seismic singularity 175-225m
Tectonic robetop 160-200m
Tectonic hood 120-150m
Tectonic robebottom 140-160m
White party hat 80-120m
Blue party hat 80-120m
Green party hat 80-120m
Red party hat 80-120m
Yellow party hat 80-120m
Purple party hat 80-120m
Red h'ween mask 60-90m
Blue h'ween mask 60-90m
Blue h'ween mask 60-90m
Santa hat 80-110m
Black santahat 80-110m
Shadow dye 60-80m
Thirdage dye 60-80m
Barrows dye 60-80m
Clue scroll items:
Third age platebody 40-60m
Third age platelegs 40-60m
Third age fullhelm 40-60m
Third age kite shield 40-60m
Third age vambraces 40-60m
Third age leatherbody 40-60m
Third age coif 40-60m
Third age chaps 40-60m
Third age robetop 40-60m
Third age robe 40-60m
Third age hood 40-60m
Third age druidic robetop 60-70m
Third age druidic robe 60-70m
Third age amulet 60-70m
Third age druidic cape 60-70m
Third age druidic staff 60-70m
Backstab cape 70-100m
Sack of effigies 70-100m
Top hat 60-80m
Robin hood hat 5-7m
Saradomin bow 5-10m
Zamorak bow 5-10m
Guthix bow 5-10m
Explosive barrel 70-100m
Skilling items:
Magic logs 10k
Raw monk fish 5-7k
Raw shark 7-10k
Raw rocktail 10-12k
Mahogany logs 10k
Dragon bones 10-15k
Frost dragon bones 15-20k
Black dragon hide 10-12k
Red dragon hide 7-10k
Blue dragon hide 5-7k
Green dragon hide 3-5k
Royal dragon hide 12-15k
Overload 25-30k per dose.
Adrenaline potion
Supreme overload 25-35k per dose
Super saradomin brew
Lustrous energy 20-30k
Cannon balls 5-10k
Crystal flask 40-60k
Potion flask 30-50k
Ascendri bolts
Magic seeds 300-400k
Palm seeds 300-400k
Yew seed 200-250k
Papaya 200-250k
Ascencion bolts
Revenant items:
Statius full helm 10-12m
Statius platebody 12-15m
Statius platelegs 12-15m
Statius warhammer 15-20m
Vestas platebody 12-15m
Vestas platelegs 12-15m
Vestas longsword 3-5m
Morigans coif 10-12m
Morigans leatherbody 12-15m
Morigans chaps 12-15m
Morigans throwing axe 3-5k
Morigans javelline 3-5k
Zuriels robetop 12-15m
Zuriels robebottom 12-15m
Zuriels hood 10-12m
Zuriels staff 3-5m
Brawlers 1m
Ectoplasmator 1m
Ahrim robetop 3-5m
Ahrim robebottom 3-5m
Ahrim hood 3-5m
Ahrim staff 2-5m
Ahrim wand 2-5m
Ahrim book 2-5m
Verac brassard 2-5m
Verac skirt 2-5m
Verac helm 2-5m
Verac flail 2-5m
Dharok platebody 3-5m
Dharok platelegs 3-5m
Dharok helm 3-5m
Dharok greataxe 2-5m
Guthan platebody 3-5m
Guthan platelegs 3-5m
Guthan helm 3-5m
Guthan warspear 3-5m
Karil leatherbody 3-5m
Karil skirt 3-5m
Karil coif 3-5m
Karil pistol 2-5m
Karil off-hand pistol 2-5m
Karil crossbow 2-5m
Torag platebody 2-5m
Torag platelegs 2-5m
Torag helm 2-5m
Torag hammers 2-5m
Barrows totem 250-500k
This is the official price guide.