Fastest Method to 99 Herblore
(Level 1) Attack Potion = Guam + Eye of newt
(Level 12) Strength Potion = Tarromin + Limpwurt Root
(Level 30) Defence Potion = Ranarr + White Berries
(Level 38) Prayer Restore = Ranarr + Snape Grass
(Level 40) Summoning Potion = Spirit Weed + Cockatrice Egg
(Level 45) Super Attack = Irit + Eye of newt
(Level 48) Super Anti-Poison = Irit + Ground Unicorn Horn
(Level 55) Super Strength = Kwuarm + limpwurt
(Level 63) Super Restore = Snapdragon + Red Spider eggs
(Level 66) Super Defence = Cadantine + White berries
(Level 69) Antifire Potion = Lantadyme + Blue dragon dust
(Level 72) Ranging Potion = Dwarf Weed + Zammy wines
(Level 76) Magic Potion = Lantadyme + Potato cactus
(Level 81) Sara Brew = Toadflax + Crushed nest
(Level 85) Super Antifire = Antifire + desert phoenix feather
(Level 88) Extreme Attack = Super Atk + Avantoe
(Level 89) Extreme Strength = Super Str + Dwarf Weed
(Level 90) Extreme Defence = Super Def + Lantadyme
(Level 91) Extreme Magic = Magic Potion + Grounded Mud rune
(Level 92) Extreme Ranging = Ranging Potion + 5 gren spikes
(Level 94) Prayer Renewal = Fellstalk + Morchella Mushroom
(Level 96) Overload = Torstol + Extreme Attack, Extreme Strength, Extreme Defence, Extreme Ranging, Extreme Magic
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