Anyways, that is all the feedback from me.
Ugh I wanted Animal Crossing Bells to moderate the sub but I Want to have a Google accounts along with a Discord? Stupid. A Reddit account should be the one thing needed, I shouldn't have to experience the exact same level of measures as it would be to replace an ID.
So to moderate a Reddit message board I Want to make a Google account and a Discord. Not happening.
The very fact you want to conceal conversations off this website isn't a good sign. There is not anything high level when it comes to moderating a easy game series in this way. I will have my privacy.
You won't believe this application but I'm applying here, on the board I plan on moderating. Feel free to dismiss this post like you dismiss many articles in the sub.
I'll answer the questions if I feel as if you would think about them.
Nvm st patty's day - it's time to find spooky >:3 wear a spooky, cute, or weird costume and let us see the asylum, my spOoOoOoOky 5-star island??
Bring a wand, umbrella (for cuteness sake), a musical instrument, and some other fun handheld stuff you have??
I invite everyone to interact - it's a celebration! ??
Island rules include no choosing flowers >:-RRB- and please adhere to the group! If you get lost, just give me a shout and I will come catch you?? You will see us on the dance floor. The tour requires abt and hour (I have 6 houses lol) but it is fine if you can not make it through the whole thing! ??
Should I get over 7 answers I'll be performing more than 1 round, so don't hesitate to reach out whether you will be buy Animal Crossing Items on for a while! ??